müsli Automobile dummy string
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Cute pacifier with car print. The pacifier cord has a metal clip with wood on top so you can attach the cord to the sweater so the pacifier does not get lost. At the end of the pacifier cord is a rubber ring that can hold several different types of pacifiers. (GOTS Organic Certified by Ecocert Greenlife Lic. No. 152033). The product is GOTS Organic certified which means, that the cotton is certified organic. Also the strictest concern for the environment has been taken in all the other processes, like dying, knitting and sewing. GOTS also takes into consideration the work conditions for the workers. Organic cotton 100%
Produktnummer: 1576011100
100% Organic Cotton
Servicepunkt (PostNord)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
Hjem levering (PostNord)
39.00 KR
DHL Express
149.00 KR
Servicepunkt (GLS)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
Du kan vælge at få din pakke leveret til dit hjem eller arbejde med PostNords klimakompenserede levering. Standardlevering koster 39 kr, men er gratis for ordrer over 499 kr, hvis du vælger at afhente via en pakkeshop - du skal blot vælge et PostNord- eller GLS-servicested. Du finder en oversigt over alle vores leveringsmuligheder og -gebyrer i sektionen "Hjælp" nedenfor.
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